Program Committee Members

Abrar, Dr. Saif IBM IN
Arbet, Dr. Daniel Slovak University of Technology SK
Belohoubek, Jan CTU Prague CZ
Bernardi, Prof. Paolo Politecnico Di Torino IT
Bernasconi, Prof. Anna Università di Pisa IT
Bosio, Prof. Alberto University of Lyon FR
Cassano, Dr. Luca Politecnico di Milano IT
Chaves, Dr. Ricardo INESC-ID/IST/ULisbon PT
Damnjanovic, Prof. Mirjana University of Novi Sad RS
Danek, Dr. Martin daiteq s.r.o. CZ
Deniziak, Prof. Stanislaw Kielce Univ. of Technology PL
Drechsler, Prof. Rolf University of Bremen/DFKI DE
Drutarovsky, Prof. Milos Technical Universiity of Kosice SK
Eggersglüß, Dr. Stephan Siemens EDA DE
Ellervee, Prof. Peeter Tallinn University of Technology EE
Fey, Prof. Goerschwin TU Hamburg DE
Fiser, Dr. Petr Czech Technical University in Prague CZ
Fuegger, Matthias CNRS & LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, Inria FR
Garbolino, Dr. Tomasz Silesian University of Technology PL
Girard, Dr. Patrick LIRMM / CNRS FR
Han, Prof. Jie University of Alberta CD
Hellebrand, Prof. Sybille Paderborn University DE
Huemer, Dr. Florian TU Wien AT
Jelemenska, Dr. Katarina FIIT STU Bratislava SK
Jenihhin, Prof. Maksim Tallinn University of Technology EE
Kasprowicz, Dr. Dominik Warsaw University of Technology PL
Kavun, Prof. Elif Bilge University of Passau DE
Keim, Dr. Martin Siemens Digital Industries Software DE
Keszöcze, Prof. Oliver Friedrich-Alexander University DE
Krstic, Prof. Milos IHP DE
Kubatova, Hana CTU in Prague CZ
Larsson, Prof. Erik Lund University SE
Leveugle, Prof. Regis Grenoble INP FR
Maistri, Dr. Paolo TIMA Laboratory FR
Miclea, Prof. Liviu-Cristian Technical University of Cluj-Napoca RO
Nagy, Dr. Lukas Slovak University of Technology SK
Novak, Prof. Ondrej TU Liberec CZ
Pagliarini, Prof. Samuel Tallinn University of Technology EE
Pataricza, Prof. Andras Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU
Peng, Prof. Zebo Linkoping University SE
Pierre, Prof. Laurence University Grenoble Alpes FR
Piestrak, Prof. Stanislaw J. Wrocław University of Science and Technology PL
Pleskacz, Prof. Witold Warsaw University of Technology PL
Polian, Prof. Ilia University of Stuttgart DE
Polzer, Dr. Thomas UAS Technikum Wien AT
Portolan, Prof. Michele INP Grenoble FR
Prinetto, Prof. Paolo Politecnico di Torino IT
Raik, Prof. Jaan Tallinn University of Technology EE
Rawski, Mariusz Warsaw University of Technology PL
Ruzicka, Richard Brno University of Technology CZ
Sanchez, Prof. Ernest Politecnico di Torino IT
Sattler, Prof. Sebastian M. Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg DE
Schneider-Hornstein, Dr. Kerstin TU Wien AT
Schölzel, Prof. Mario University of Applied Science Nordhausen DE
Sekanina, Prof. Lukas Brno University of Technology CZ
Sitek, Pawel Kielce University of Technology PL
Sonza Reorda, Prof. Matteo Politecnico di Torino IT
Sosnowski, Prof. Janusz Warsaw University of Technology PL
Subrt, Dr. Ondrej ASICentrum CZ
Stamenkovic, Dr. Zoran IHP – Leibniz-Institut für innovative Mikroelektronik DE
Steininger, Prof. Andreas Vienna University of Technology AT
Stojilovic, Mirjana EPFL CH
Stopjakova, Prof. Viera Slovak University of Technology SK
Šotner, Dr. Roman Brno University of Technology CZ
Tille, Dr. Daniel Infineon DE
Udrescu, Prof. Mihai University Politehnica of Timisoara RO
Ulbricht, Dr. Markus IHP DE
Vargas, Dr. Fabian IHP DE
Vatajelu, Dr. Elena Ioana TIMA/CNRS de Grenoble-Alpes FR
Vazquez, Dr. Diego Instituto de Microelectr¢nica de Sevilla / Universidad de Sevilla ES
Villa, Prof. Tiziano University of Verona IT
Virazel, Dr. Arnaud LIRMM FR
Wunderlich, Prof. Hans-Joachim University of Stuttgart DE