Hotel Booking
Reservations should be made by contacting the hotel directly.
The Uroczysko Hotel offers special accommodation rates for DDECS participants.
Making reservations through popular booking sites may include additional fees.
Please send an email to:
The email should include:
– name,
– surname,
– type of room (single, double),
– dates of stay,
– details for an invoice (if the Participant wishes to receive one) as well as special booking code: DDECS 2024
Please note, that if at this stage the hotel does not receive information about the need for an invoice, it will credit the payment by issuing a receipt (this is an irreversible process; you cannot later change the receipt into an invoice);
Room reservations can be made no later than 14 days before the conference (until 17/03/2024).
The reservation must be paid within 7 days of receiving the email confirmation of the initial reservation.
If you have additional questions, please contact the reception of the Hotel -> Contact